Where Did the Sky Go?

"Be a voice, not an echo." -Cornwell West- (Artwork by Müge Olçum) So here we are, the grand sum of however many years of being. All that rich tapestry to look out upon. Men and women who have overcome unimaginable hardships and displayed feats of bravery and heart. An entire animal kingdom to learn from. Authors, lyricists, and teachers. An open source world where our shortcomings are pointed out to us. Endless streaming of news events that highlight how deep psychological flaws manifest themselves in our society. Warning after warning after warning. Yet there still seems to be some question about how it might be some intellectual privilege to be able to look out at the world and see all of this. Somehow life is too burdensome to have the time to consider your own becoming. Somehow the average human brain can’t compute what is good for it. Is there so much chaos spanning the multiple dimensions of existence that we simply can’t find a good starting point? Have our pasts thr...