Bad Day at the Chrismas Card Factory

It’s meant to be a minimum of 5 articles a week, but there’s something in the air. Sometimes it's hard to have things expected from you. It’s not like I want to curl up into a ball and disappear. Nothing so indulgent. Just the need to exercise the freedom muscles. To think differently, strikeout, and misbehave by most others’ standards. Then I left my pineapple at the fruit stall, and I’m still debating whether or not I should go and get it. I think some things are meant to be. I’ll get my bromine some other time. I’m not sure how often you notice this. I see the Instagram feeds are doing their best to convince us that it's something else. I just want you all to know that it’s okay to look out at the world and want to hurt it sometimes. It's not okay to do it, but it's perfectly healthy to ride along with a little disdain from time to time. Don’t worry too much if you’re looking dumbfounded while the world reads off its top ten best ways to cope with the world list. It’...