Happy New Year. Shit, it’s almost February

My head is full of cold and I haven’t written anything in a while. That’s usually not a problem, but I can feel myself becoming more ‘bitey’. You know how it is when you’re not in the greatest of places... You start looking around and pinning it on the outside world, but the reality is that you’re just having one of those ‘sorry piece of shit’ moments and its easier to be blasphemous. I just really fucking hate it when my immune system reminds me that I’m not an undiscovered superhuman. My ego doesn’t need that. I like being 36, stronger than I’ve ever been and slowly getting rich doing nothing much. I semi-jest. I do thoroughly enjoy being 36 and being stronger than I’ve ever been, and passive income is my kind of employment. I’m not rich, but nor am I desperately searching the nooks and crannies for half-cut ideas to make a few quid while I’m not allowed to leave the house, but I can leave the house because I’m on an island off Vietnam and not some bum-mungle-strewn city. I don’t nee...