Vitriol & More Lessons From A 16oz Glove.

“I am exhausted and you are nearly invisible. What a pair we are.” - Sarah Pinborough - There just seems to be very little work done on unification. In fact, even those previously associated with collective consciousness seem to have embarked on vitriolic assaults on different ideas and agendas. I was trying to find some collective somewhere that wasn’t currently enraged at the actions or ideas of another collective somewhere else. The Apathetics perhaps, but no one wants anything to do with them. People who don’t want to wear a mask, scorn the mask wearers as unconscious slaves who have fallen prey to more evil reptilian control who have dedicated their scaly lives to pushing the yardstick of what they can make us do further and further. To wear a mask is to be enslaved by the system, and not only that... it will make you ill. If you wear a mask you begin to recycle your own waste. I mean, if a woman doesn’t wash, and chooses to wear the same clamwrappers every day she’s pr...