A Peaceful Place

“Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth” - Alan Watts I don’t think anything really dies down as such. It's much more to do with the amount of superficial that gets poured into the catalyst before its set alight. If you’re here for opinions to shake your head at or advice on what to do next then I’m afraid this isn’t your piece. It’s mine. I mean, when you actually look back, nothing really happened, no one did anything. The sheer polarity of then and now makes it seem like centuries have passed, but as we battle with goldfish for a place in the attention span race, we would do better to take note that it was a week or so ago. It says a lot for your dedication to a cause. Recollecting the arguments I had with a smile on my face, I am very grateful for where I am now. It is not entirely free of complications, but no life should exclude adversity. What I come to realize is the sheer amount of unnecessary layers we place upon living, and how we often praise ou...